featured story:

Cardiac ICU pharmacist Robert develops and monitors drug therapies for critically ill patients. 

If I do my job right, at the end of the day, people have a better understanding of how medications work, the side effects, and really the benefits they have from them.

-Robert, PharmD

Health-system Pharmacist, Robert Barcelona, knows to thrive in the fast-paced cardiac ICU he has to be on top of his game every day. His patients depend on his medication specialization to not only develop the drug therapies they need, but to monitor and adjust their medication when complications arise. Watch as he shares his passion for improving lives and outcomes as a key part of his patients’ care team. 

A health-system pharmacist showing a document to a patient and the patient's partner. The pharmacist is an Asian woman with long, dark hair, and the patient is an older caucasian man in a sweatshirt.

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