Contacting the pharmacist on your care team

If you have a question about your medication, ask to speak to a pharmacist. They are the medication specialists on your care team.

Some pharmacists see patients to help them manage complex medication plans. Other pharmacists work with physicians and nurses to advise them on which medicines best treat a patient’s illness.

In many cases, you’ll get to know your pharmacist when you begin your treatment. Or perhaps you’ll meet when your care team makes a change in your medication and there is new information you need to know. You may even work with a pharmacist who can help you afford your medications.

If you haven’t yet met your pharmacist, you may not realize you have one on your team. Try connecting with them in the following ways:

Illustration of three health-system pharmacists in scrubs and white lab coats, standing together against an orange background.

Ask someone on your care team:

It may seem simple, and it is. If you’re seen in the emergency department, are admitted to the hospital, receive ongoing treatment at an outpatient clinic or have regular medication needs, a pharmacist is likely on your care team. Members of your care team can identify your pharmacist and send them to your bedside, exam room or ask them to contact you. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Illustration of a health-system pharmacist handing a card to a patient. Interface elements resembling contact information are highlighted.

Ask your pharmacist for their card or contact information:

If you’ve already met your pharmacist, ask how you can contact them again should you need. Many have a direct line you’ll be able to call, ensuring you can reach out with questions, concerns, or to review how you’re doing with your medications.

Your health-system pharmacist is a trusted ally in your health care, so don’t hesitate to reach out and make the most of their knowledge and experience.

Get to know more about what a health-system pharmacist can do for you.