Medication specialist.
Partner in your care.

We’re your pharmacist.

A posed headshot of Oncology clinical pharmacist Sharon Zhong.

The role of pharmacists is dynamic. We are constantly interacting with patients, we’re working with the team to help coordinate care”

Oncology clinical pharmacist Sharon uses her specialized training and knowledge to optimize medication therapies for her patients.

patient resource:

Questions for your hospital or health-system pharmacist

Illustration of a health-system pharmacist talking with a patient. Various patient concerns are depicted in the scene behind them.

Your patient journey is unique.
So is your pharmacist.

Meet real pharmacists in hospitals, health systems, and clinics working directly with patients like you.

A health-system pharmacist showing a document to a patient and the patient's partner. The pharmacist is an Asian woman with long, dark hair, and the patient is an older caucasian man in a sweatshirt.

Your experience matters.

Tell us how a pharmacist impacted you.

for pharmacists:

The benefits of ASHP membership

for pharmacy organizations:

Help share what pharmacists do